Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Book 11: The Ring of Solomon

Finished: February 16
Pages: 398

I was so happy to see this novel come out because I read the first three books back in 2006, and I was sad to see the series end. I still love Bartimaeus and his snarky use of footnotes. Rather than the ridiculous and unnecessary footnotes of other books we have read (cough cough Someday my Prince will Come cough), these set up the characterization of Bartimaeus as rude, uncivilized, yet underneath his creepy, let's face it, downright demonic attitude, he can have a real sweet side. Bartimaeus is a djinn, living in a world that is partially based on ours, but where spirits can be summoned by magicians.
It's a funny, light-hearted romp in the world of ancient Egypt and Jerusalem, and people who have studied that part of history will find some really amusing inside jokes. It's not really advanced literature or anything, but definitely better than many of the young adult books out there.

Good Reading,

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