Sunday, January 9, 2011

Book 1 to 3: or, Why I Love Benchmarking

Book 1: The Demon King
Finished: January 4
Pages: 506

I read Williams' other young adult series a couple years ago, at the behest of several students, and I really enjoyed it. This series, while very different from the "Heirs" series, set in a fantasy world and full of political intrigue was very interesting. She has set up a complex society and I look forward to seeing this series through.
All of the main characters are complex and there are many twists and turns. Although several of the "bad guys" are definitely bad, it's nice to see a Young Adult novel with complex undertones.

Book 2: Behemoth
Finished: January 5
Pages: 485

The sequel to Leviathan, which I finished in a day over Christmas break, was just as good as the first one, if not a little better. Set during the beginning of WWI, this alternative, steampunk history is very entertaining. I like the development of the characters and their relationships to each other.

Book 3: The Exiled Queen
Finished: January 6
Pages: 586

The second in the Seven Realms Series, the follow up to The Demon King was just as enjoyable as the first. All the main characters, the princess and her loyal guard; the thief Han, his friend Dancer; as well as the "bad guys" Micah and his sister are all attending the school on neutral ground. This allows for the characters to show some growth and additional character, which helps the book move the action forward, if slowly. This one reminded me more of Harry Potter, just because of the addition of schooling to the plot. It's nice to see that the princess continues to learn a few lessons in humility and reality that she began in the last book.

Good Reading,

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